Sunday, October 7, 2007

diploma dot com?

It came to my attention earlier this week that Cal Tech (yes the same Golden Bears who beat us earlier this year in football) have begun to offer videos of complete class lectures of some of its courses. Youtube is hosting the videos free of charge making them available to the international community at the click of a button. Upon further investigation, I found that Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT, similarly posts professors notes to a significant amount of both undergraduate and graduate courses. Again, one of our nations and worlds leading intellectual bases is offering vasts amount of knowledge to anyone on the world wide web. I find it encouraging that these institutions have begun to offer this ability. Many may ask why? I, for one have no answer and also believe that the institutions themselves do not either. It is an interesting experiment, the results of which may lead to fascinating and innovate educational reform. I believe that humans have not the capacity currently to truly realize the potential of cheap and instant international communication. MIT and Cal Tech are attempting to exploit this fact and I believe that it will further our international knowledge through collaboration. I am proud and excited to be one of the generation that will attempt to utilize a great resource in order to further the society of man. Keep up the postings Cal Tech, MIT, and others, you are providing foothold for what may someday change the world!!!

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