Monday, September 17, 2007

5 Things

1. Be sure your font choice fits the purpose of the paper or web page. It would be unprofessional to use funky characters in a research paper, and would make it difficult to read.
2. Don't plagiarize, its not cool, and not to mention illegal.
3. Make sure to edit your pages. Seeing typos and misspellings drastically lowers the credibility of the page and may take away from the focus.
4. Use colors that are not only easy on the eyes, but fit in the mood of what you are trying to portray. If somebody can't see the words because of the color choices, they are going to have a hard time enjoying what you had to say, and they may not even read it in the first place.
5. Images can be used as great accents to web pages. It is boring to look only at text. Just keep in mind not to overdo it and take away from the focus of the page.

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