Sunday, September 23, 2007

Free Write for Personal Essay

I think it is interesting the way that crime has changed shape with the use of the internet. I think I already wrote all I had to say at this time. One of the most interesting topics to me is how people can be manipulated into thinking someone is who they aren’t. they can pretend to be a friend or even change their gender or age to match what they think would be able to trick their victim. Then they can convince them to go and meet them somewhere or even just decide to stalk them at that point once they have enough personal information about them. I have actually read a couple of books where online crime is the main event. Someone is kidnapped and then the book centers around trying to recover that person. I would look through old news articles and other specific examples to use and some of my sources. I also think it would be good to include ways that our society is trying to combat these criminals.

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