Sunday, September 23, 2007

My Boys

I have 2 pups! They are named Charlie and Jake. This is Charlie when he was a 2 pound puppy. I think getting my dogs was the best thing I have done for my college career. People may think that having a pet merely weighs you down and that you will not be able to concentrate on school, but I think it is the contrary. They are like me two little best friends. When I come home they are so excited to see me, it makes me forget about my day whether or not it was a good one. They don't care what's going on in the outside world, they just want to be pet and sit on my lap all night. Even when I have to stay up studying, they won't leave my side until I am finished. They are able to relieve all of my stresses and frankly I think they are the only reason why I have been able to stay sane throughout my college years. They even have a role in keeping me active. They love to go on hikes and be outside playing. Perhaps the best part of them is that they are a great distraction. Not necessarily to the point where I am unsuccessful with my classes, but more to keep me happy and not always thinking about school. I guess I am trying to say that I love my pups, and wouldn't change anything about them.

1 comment:

Jill said...

So, I am completely biased in this matter; but I totally agree!!! Dogs are the greatest. They are a personal trainer, best friend, bodyguard and psychiatrist all rolled into this soft, wiggly, and sometimes stinky package.

And yet, they aren't for everyone. I wish more people would think much harder about the commitment they are making before they get a dog.

I can't tell from the picture: what kind of dogs are they?