Saturday, September 15, 2007

Life Without Computers

So I was imagining life if we didn't have computers, and honestly, it would suck. First of all, one of my jobs wouldn't exist! I work in a computer lab on campus and lets face it, there would be no use for the labs if they didn't have computers in them. Without computers, the ease of our lifestyle would be shot. I am able to communicate with members of my family, friends across the country, and even my professors without having to make an appointment through email. Not only does it save money, but I can respond to people at my own convenience. I even just checked my bank accounts. If we didn't have computers, I would have to drive down to Colorado Springs to do anything with my bank account and that would really be a pain and would probably force me to find a new bank. I think I could live without the social sites such as facebook and myspace, but the rest of the programs on computers have become ingrained in my life.

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